Solo en la primera parte, Nicolás sigue de cerca las ideas del Pseudo Dionisio y solo en ella lo cita. Este trabajo busca mostrar esta influencia en el libro referencia del Cusano: el De Docta Ignorantia (la Docta Ignorancia. Influencia del Pseudo Dionisio en Nicolás de Cusaįull Text Available Nicolás de Cusa (1401-1464 reconoce la influencia del Pseudo Dionisio en su propio pensamiento, especialmente en su teologÃa negativa. A comparison with the Skyrme-Faddeev model suggests many universal features, though there are some differences in the link types obtained in the two theories. It is found that the known axially symmetric solutions are unstable for Hopf charges greater than 2 and new lower energy solutions are obtained that include knots and links. A volume-preserving flow is used to construct soliton solutions numerically for all Hopf charges from 1 to 8. It has topological soliton solutions classified by the integer-valued Hopf charge, and all currently known solitons are axially symmetric. The Nicole model is a conformal field theory in a three-dimensional space. International Nuclear Information System (INIS) The first region of interest of this study is the sub-solar point vicinity where the long wavelength surface wave effects are most unlikely. The data used are from spring 2008, while Cluster was crossing the magnetopause at low latitude, in particularly quite Solar Wind conditions. The present work intends at understanding this variability by means of the multi spacecraft mission Cluster.

Nevertheless under identical activity conditions, the variability of this power, even at a given location in latitude and local time is very high. The different studies performed have not, up to now, shown a stronger power in the vicinity of local noon. Double STAR-Cluster comparison has shown that ULF wave power is stronger at low latitude than at high latitude ( Cornilleau-Wehrlin et al, 2008). Clearly the solar wind pressure organizes the data, the stronger the pressure, the higher the ULF power (Attié et al 2008). Statistical studies have been performed to understand under which conditions the ULF wave power is the most intense and thus the waves can be the most efficient for particle transport from one region to the other. Those turbulent-like waves are possible contributors to particle penetration from the Solar Wind to the Magnetosphere through the magnetopause. Strong ULF wave activity has been observed at magnetopause crossings since a long time. Variability of ULF wave power at the magnetopause: a study at low latitude with Cluster dataĬornilleau-Wehrlin, N. Pour analyser le problème, il convient de confronter la pensée de Nicole à celles de Pascal, de Hobbes et de saint Augustin lui-même. Mais c’est peut-être là faire trop peu de cas du soubassement théologique augustinien de la doctrine de Nicole. Le « commerce d’amour-propre » selon Pierre Nicoleįull Text Available La notion de « commerce d’amour-propre » telle qu’elle a été élaborée par Pierre Nicole constitue-t-elle une sorte de préfiguration de l’utilitarisme moderne ? Il est commun de le penser. Con su renovada y reformadora visión de la ciencia-filosofÃa, tal y como ésta fue originariamente expresada por los griegos, Nicol afrontó la crisis radical por la que atraviesa el pensar, entendido como una vocación libre, bajo la presión del utilitarismo moderno y su culminación actual en el imperalismo de la tecnocracia.
With his renoved and reformer vision of the sciencephilosophy, as this one was originally expressed by the Greeks, Nicol confronted the radical crisis that beat to the thought, understood as a free vocation, under the pressure of the modern utilitarism and his current culmination in the imperalism of the technocracy.En 2007 se conmemora el centenario de Eduardo Nicol, uno de los filósofos de lengua española más sobresalientes de las últimas décadas. Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)įull Text Available In 2007 is commemorated the centenary of Eduardo Nicol, one of the philosophers of Spanish language more outstanding of last decades.