Based on that information you can decide which device to use…

Hi can I find programmatically the device on the target computer with DAQ Create Task? Do not use the Dreaded DAQ Assistant (a.k.a. The third way (which I now use exclusively) is to do it programmatically, starting with DAQmx Create Task (where you can find the Device you want to use), DAQmx Create Channel (where you Create and configure the Channels), and DAQmx Timing (where you set the Sampling Clock).ĭo a Web Search for "Learn 10 Functions in NI-DAQmx and Handle 80 Percent of your Data Acquisition Applications" (I might have a word wrong in the title), but it shows all three of these methods. A second is to do more-or-less the same thing, but from within the LabVIEW Project (right-click My Computer and choose "New", "NI DAQ-mx Task"). One is to open MAX, find your device, configure it for the Channels you want (setting up all of the parameters you need, including Sampling, Range, etc.), and doing a "Save Task" (and picking a better Task Name than "MyAITask").

There are several ways to create Tasks with the correct Channel associations.